Campus Recreation and Wellness

East Carolina University’s Campus Recreation and Wellness has its own in-house marketing department, which works with several other departments within the building. During my time at ECU, I helped each of these departments advertise for their events by creating various digital and print material for CRW’s departments.


Program Guide

This brochure acts as a guide for the CRW’s various events and classes throughout the season. The illustrations incorporate both activities CRW offers, along with naval imagery that fits into ECU’s pirate branding.



The wellness department supports students across campus in enhancing their mental health and overall well-being. Weekly events, such as Fresh Food Fridays & Munchie Monday, provide food and health information.



The adventure department offers various trips, hikes, and activities for students to participate in. Flatlander’s Fling is an annual climbing event, which the t-shirt is designed for.